Thank you for visiting and welcome to the Precision Decorators’ First Impressions Blog. Your best friend in nailing a great First Impression.

What’s this about?


In the past year, we’ve all gone on a journey of transformation. From the Old Normal to the New Normal to The Next Normal and to wherever we may end up this year. Just about the only certainty in the last 12 months has been change.

As a commercial and residential decorating business, we are no exception. This year we have relaunched as Precision Decorators after over 20 years of painting and decorating in the Bristol market. Our team has remained but most other stuff is refreshed and ready to go as we all get back to work transforming your commercial, residential and community spaces.

Nice story but so what?


We realised in taking stock of where we sit in the Bristol decorating market, how we approach our work and the decorating projects we’ve worked on, that we had a lot to offer. As well as wanting to keep developing that, we wanted to share some of it with you.

And in the decorating business getting it right first time is key. So The First Impressions Blog was born.

What can I expect?


Precision is split into 3 decorating divisions: Commercial. Residential. Community. This Blog will cover these areas and a variety of subjects including:

  • Transformations – Before and After – commercial/ residential and exterior/interior
  • Case studies – Project – Challenge – Transformation – Outcome
  • Craftmanship Corner – Design and decorating ideas to take away – Secrets and Pitfalls
  • Inspiration – What’s New – Create a luxury feel / wow factor
  • Commercial focus – Industry news and trends – best practice – running a motivated team – professional delivery for design and decorating projects
  • Back To School – Where to start – What you need – Where to buy from – How To’s


Will the Blog just be decoration according to Precision?


Definitely not! We hope to involve our clients, answer your interior and decorating questions and draw on the experience we have in our team as leading Bristol professionals.

We will also include features celebrating the wider impact change can have: in our communities; people development; wellbeing and values.

We are proud to say that every person at Precision has a voice and a story about their skills, experience and passions. And only they can tell it. So you’ll hear lots of different voices each month right here about favourite decorating and design projects in Bristol and beyond.

The small print


We aim to use the Blog as a place to collect your feedback too. If the questions or feedback will help others (even if we don’t like it!) we will publish it with our response the following month.

We may not have space to include everything on the Blog itself but we will ensure feedback is answered promptly and meaningfully. No-one is perfect and we are no exception so we are always open to hearing how we can improve.

Now you are here….


First, thank you! If you like what you see, please press:




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